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My Angel Page 6
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Page 6
Josh broke their embrace for a second while he pushed aside his goggles. Their eyes met, each acknowledging what they were about to do.
“Josh. Stop!”
“Cara, you can’t. Not with him.”
The protests of their friends went unheeded as Cara and Josh crushed together. Her hands grappled with his as they wrestled with the straps keeping their shirts pinned underneath. Cara’s head fell back, bumping into Hank’s nose. “Oh, sorry.” She noted the silliness of Hank’s expression while her breaths grew shorter and faster under Josh’s hot hands. “Will these guys stay out of it the whole time?”
Josh ran his tongue along the hollow in her neck. “As long as I want them to.”
“Good.” She thrust her tits higher as Josh’s mouth moved south. As he sucked her tits through the thin material of her shirt, her hand slid lower to cup the bulge in his pants. Somewhere, lost in the roar of the plane—or the roar of passion in her head?—she heard Tilly’s and Walter’s shouts to stop. But nothing could keep her from her quest for treasure as she tugged his jeans open and shoved her hand down his pants.
The pain of separation hit her as Josh’s mouth wrenched away from her nipples. Her hand, fondling his shaft, scraped along his zipper as his body fell back against Walter. Walter, hands embedded in the shoulders of Josh’s instructor, yelled as he pulled him apart from her. “Josh, I will not let you do this.”
“I won’t let you stop me.” Josh’s features were alive with lust as he fought against Walter, twisting and turning in his attempt to get free. With a wide sweep of his arm, he struck Walter in the chest, breaking the hold his mentor had on him and sending his friend hurtling to the rim of the hatchway.
“No!” Tilly screamed as Walter’s arms flailed wildly, trying to gain stability. “Walter!” She threw her body forward, arms outstretched and ready to grab him. As she reached for him, the plane hit a pocket of turbulence sending the cabin jerking upward before violently plunging downward. Losing her balance, Tilly fell headlong into Walter.
They stood, unmoving as if suspended in time and space, locked in each other’s arms and balanced on the edge of the doorway. Together, the two peered out into the blue sky, gaped at each other, yelled one simultaneous shout and fell out of the plane.
Chapter Three
Cara lunged toward the opening, tugging her instructor along with her. Gripping the edge of the doorway, she peered over the side, fear tearing her stomach to shreds. Far below, she spotted two figures joined in flight, hurtling toward the ground. “Josh, help them!”
Josh, who’d freed himself from his instructor, held onto a strap to lean farther, past the opening. “Don’t worry. Walter won’t let Tilly get hurt.”
Almost as soon as he’d said the words, the ever-diminishing figures vanished. The bird flying next to the plane swooped right in front of her nose, alarming Cara and propelling her and her attached partner deeper inside the body of the plane. She banged against the opposite wall and heard him grunt. Yet nothing would detour her from finding out what had happened to her best friend.
“Where’d they go? Are they all right? Did Tilly go…” Cara pointed up, wanting, yet dreading to have Josh confirm her suspicions. “Is she dead?”
“I don’t know where they are, but she’s not dead.” He swiveled in her direction with a mischievous smirk lifting the tips of his mouth. “Wherever they went, they went together. I’m sure they’re all right. Walter wouldn’t let anything happen to an innocent.”
Tilly, an innocent? Not after hanging around with me all these years. Yet Cara doubted he meant innocent in the way she did.
Josh crossed to her and waved his hand, snapping the harness off her body and releasing the befuddled Hank. He groaned as he plopped down on the floor. “Now, let’s you and me get back to doing sex.”
“You mean having sex.” She waved him off. “Not now. I can’t think about sex while I’m worried about Tilly.”
“I promise you they’re all right. Walter can’t get hurt, remember? Which means since Tilly’s with him, she can’t get hurt either. You need to trust me.” He tilted his head. “You do trust me, don’t you?”
“Do I trust an angel? Uh, yeah.” Cara breathed easier with his promise. Plus, she sensed he was right about Tilly being safe with the super-sized angel. Maybe they could take up where they’d left off. She glanced around at the groggy, yet blissful men around her. “What about them?”
Josh shrugged and wrapped one arm around her waist. “Trust me on this one, too. They don’t care and they won’t remember anything.” He tipped his head to the side. “Why? Do you mind them watching?”
The desire building all day zipped into a fever pitch at his suggestion. “I don’t mind, if you don’t.”
A wave of his hand making her shirt and bra disappear answered her. Giggling, she mimicked his wave and put on a mock frown when his clothes remained. Josh laughed and, with another wave, all their clothes vanished, leaving them both naked in the chilly air.
“Damn, you don’t waste any time, do you?” Cara checked the other men to make sure they weren’t showing any attempts to move toward them. They stayed where they were, identical goofy grins plastered on their faces. “Remind me to show you how sexy undressing a person the normal way can be.”
“Later.” He pulled her to him, the sparse bit of curly hair on his chest tickling the top of her breasts. “I can’t wait a moment longer.” Taking her with him, he fell on the mattress suddenly appearing beside them.
She laughed, delighting in the touch of his skin on hers. “Fine. We’ll do this your way this time. But I reserve the right to take things slower the next time.” Again, she giggled as he murmured an answer while his mouth tugged at her taut nipples. The next time? Since when had she ever thought about a next time? She always loved ‘em and left ‘em. Yet the way she felt about Josh had her thinking beyond the here and now.
His hands roamed her body, exploring every curve, every recess, every bit of her pulsing, lusting, aching-to-be-taken body. She whimpered, not from pain, but the sweet rush of yearning scorching down her abdomen and into her clit. He sucked on her bottom lip, moistening the cleft between her legs. She groaned, unable to wait any longer, and opened herself to him.
“Is this okay?” He growled when he swiped his tongue under one breast. The buzz, the tickle his tongue gave her whipped her into a frenzy, yet she knew his question was for the touch of his fingers against her throbbing nub. Slipping his fingers inside her, he rubbed his thumb on her until she squirmed under his exploration.
“You don’t act like a virgin.” She gasped as he caught her tit between his teeth.
“I guess I’m a natural.”
“Damn straight you are.” Cara moaned, squirming as her lust built higher and higher.
“Yeah?” She arched her back, tempting him to feast on both her breasts. He took her hint, shoving his head between them. With his head where it was, she almost didn’t hear him.
“Tell me what you want me to do. Tell me what you’d like me to do to you.”
She clutched his hair, bringing his gaze to meet hers. “Seriously?”
His grin copied hers. “Sure. I want to please you. Tell me.”
“Eat me.”
Pushing his head toward her toes, she tried to relax against the mattress. But the anticipation of his mouth on her pussy kept her tense and ready. She watched as he followed her silent urging and slid between her legs. A cry ripped from her as his tongue laved her swollen clit. Wave after wave hurried through her as multiple orgasms broke free.
Throwing back her head, she caught sight of Hank standing over them, mouth slack in his intense scrutiny, and froze. “Uh, Josh?”
He paused his licking to stop and look in the direction she pointed. “Is he bothering you?”
She’d been with men who were uninhibited before, but this one took t
he Grand Prize. “Nope. I kind of like an interested spectator.”
“Hey, what we’re doing is perfectly natural. If you don’t mind, I say let him enjoy.” He lowered his head and continued his attack on her bushy treasure. In between sucks on her clit, he added, “Too bad he won’t remember anything later.”
“Wow, talk about a killjoy.” Knowing Josh wouldn’t mind, she reached up and took Hank’s hand, tugging him to a kneeling position next to her. “If he’s not going to remember, why not let him have a little fun of his own.” Taking the twinkle in Josh’s eyes as consent, she placed Hank’s hand on one of her breasts. The instructor’s gaze dropped to her tit and started fondling her. “Suck it, Hanky-panky man.” With a moan, Hank leaned over and took her nipple in his mouth as he grabbed her other breast. His eyes closed as a growl rumbled through him, sending vibrations into her peaked bud.
She glanced down at Josh who continued licking and stroking her clit while he watched the instructor suck and squeeze her breasts. She’d definitely pegged angels all wrong. Talk about free spirits. She started to say as much when his tongue swirled into her depths again, massaging her wet mound. Instead, her words morphed into one loud moan.
Josh nipped at her, lapping in her juices, as Hank licked her tits and she wiggled in ecstasy. Wrapping her legs over the angel’s shoulders, he drank like a man tasting the sweetest nectar of all.
The pressure grew, the ache pounding in her for yet another release. As if reading her mind, he caught her clit with his teeth, twirling his tongue over her throbbing bud until she couldn’t stand any more. Crying out, her body jerked as the ultimate climax sent her flying higher than any plane could ever soar.
“Move away, Hank.” Pushing him off her, she clutched the angel’s hair and ordered him to rise. “Now, Josh.” Hank fell back on his heels, grumbling unintelligible words.
Understanding her command, Josh lifted his body over hers, letting her legs slide down his torso until they locked around his waist. “You’re sure?”
“Damn it. If you don’t fuck me, I’m going to push you out of this plane without a chute.”
He grinned and shoved his shaft deep within her. Together they pumped, riding the turbulence as the plane jostled in the air. Grabbing his hair, she tugged his mouth to her tits as she slammed her body against his, time after glorious time. With a shout of joy, another climax rocked her body, matching his trembling release.
“Cara, I feel like I’ve known you forever. Like we were meant to be together.” He paused, his intense look diving into her soul. “I love you.”
She stared at him, unsure of how to react. Had she heard him correctly? Impossibly, her heart knew the truth of his words. And with his confession came an astounding realization.
“Oh, shit, Josh. I know what you mean. And I think I love you, too.” She laughed, delight mixing with wonder. “How the hell did that happen? I never would’ve thought I could fall—”
“Yeah?” She saw the twinkle in his eyes.
“Be quiet.”
“Oh. Okay.” Closing her eyes, she waited, wanting to hear more from him. Yet even with her eyes closed, the flash of light bursting around them blinded her. Her legs dropped to the floor, emptiness filling the space where Josh’s body had been. Stunned, her eyes popped open to find herself lying alone on the floor. The men of the sky diving school, their stupor gone and their jaws dropping open, gaped at her naked body.
Cara had suffered through humiliating situations before, but nothing compared to the embarrassment she experienced as she scrambled to pull on her clothes. Thankfully, her clothes reappeared seconds after Josh vanished. If they hadn’t, she couldn’t imagine what she’d have done. She’d kept her eyes averted from the amorous ogles of Bub and his instructors during the return flight to the airport. Just as bad, however, were the questions they peppered on her
“What happened?” Bub visibly shook as he tried to remember. “Last thing I remember was talking to your boyfriend. And then…” His words trailed off when his memory didn’t give him the answers.
The other men didn’t ask many questions as Bub gave up interrogating the stoic Cara. Instead, he barked orders at the pilot to turn the plane around and head back to the airport. As soon as they were on the ground, she bolted from the plane with a flush of relief sweeping through her. She dashed to her car and sped to her home.
* * * *
“Dammit.” Pacing her apartment, she ran yet another possible scenario through her mind. Hours had passed and she’d seen no sign of Tilly, Walter or Josh. For awhile, she’d even wondered if she’d dreamed it. But Josh, the heat from his body, the touch of his skin on hers was too real, too sensual to dismiss. She knew the angel was no dream.
Cara whipped around to find Tilly standing in the doorway. “Tilly!” She rushed to her, clutching her friend to her. “Ohmigod, I’m so glad you’re all right.” Holding her away from her, she scanned her friend for any wounds. “You are okay, aren’t you?”
Tilly, looking a bit bewildered, nodded. “I’m okay. Confused, but okay.” She searched the apartment as her hopeful expression faded into a frown. “Have you seen Walter?”
“Walter? No. But Tilly, tell me what happened to you?” This time, not trusting her sight, she ran her hands over the other woman’s arms and face. “Are you sure you’re not hurt?”
Tilly broke free and stalked to the other side of the room. “I told you. I’m fine.”
“Tell me what happened. Where did you go after you disappeared?” Was her friend in shock? Falling out of an airplane and freefalling thousands of feet in the air with an oversized angel could send anyone into shock. Not to mention vanishing into nothingness. Cara strained to remember the First Aide class she’d taken a year earlier. What was she supposed to do for shock? “I was scared to death.”
“You were scared to death?” Suddenly Tilly became animated, her previous sluggish manner gone. “I fell out of a frickin’ airplane without a damn parachute.” Waving her arms in excitement, she continued, “I think my heart stopped—I mean, literally stopped—when we went out the door. But it started beating again when Walter took hold of me and held on.” A slight smile replaced the frown. “He held on to me and told me not to worry.” But the frown returned all too soon. “I tried not to worry, but you know me.”
Cara smiled, thankful to see her friend returning both physically and emotionally. “Yeah, I do. And this time you had a right to worry. But what happened next? Did you go…you know where?” She did a quick glance upward.
“I don’t know. One minute I’m hanging on for dear life to Walter and, the next minute, I find myself standing at the bottom of the stairs leading up to your apartment.”
She must’ve blacked out. Walking over to take her friend in her arms again, she couldn’t help but ask, “Have you seen Walter or Josh since the plane?”
Tilly shook her head and allowed Cara to lead her to the sofa. “No. I-I don’t really remember past Walter grabbing me.” She took Cara’s arm and searched her face. “Is Josh okay? Did you two do the dive?”
“No. We, uh, did other things.” She sensed Tilly didn’t understand her answer, but she wasn’t in the mood to explain. Besides, how can I explain indulging in sex right after seeing my best friend disappear? Because an angel told me Tilly was safe? She reflected on the idea. Yeah, because an angel told me she was safe. I mean, if you can’t trust an angel to tell you the truth, who can you trust? She paused as another thought came. Angels don’t lie. And if angels don’t lie, he really does love me. “After your, uh, accident, Josh disappeared, too.” But if he loves me, why did he leave? “He left me alone on the plane with Bub and his boys.”
In an instant she was pacing the floor, letting the frustration and anger well up inside her. “Where are you, Josh?” She yelled at the ceiling and shook her fist. “How can you say you love me, then leave me in the lurch?” Had The One-Who-Knows-Almost-All taken him? Or worse
, was she wrong about angels lying? After all, hadn’t Satan once been an angel? And she had no doubt Satan was a big fat liar.
“Josh told you he loved you?”
She ignored Tilly’s awed whisper and kept on cursing as she stalked from one side of the room to the other. If she was wrong about angels lying, could Josh be some kind of cosmic player? Had she fallen for a bad boy angel? Maybe he wasn’t really an angel, but a devil in disguise? He’d certainly made love like a demon who knew exactly where and how to please a woman. From the way he’d pleasured her, his innocent virgin spiel was a bit hard to swallow.
“Virgin, my ass. Talk about a jerk. ‘Cause if you were innocent, you caught on real fast, Josh. You went straight for the old ‘wham, bam, thank you, ma’am’ routine, didn’t you? But hell, you could’ve at least finished with the ‘thank you, ma’am’ part.”
She fell on the couch and clutched a throw pillow to her chest. You could have told me you only wanted sex. You didn’t have to tell me you loved me. You could have let me retain my dignity. You could have let me keep my heart safe. Sobs racked her body in strong painful waves, but the physical ache was nothing compared to the invisible wounds tearing open inside her.
* * * *
“I know. I blew it.” Walter wrung his hands together and followed the ten-foot tall The One-Who-Knows-Almost-All around the room. “I never should have let him go home with her. I know I shouldn’t have, but I got distracted—”
“By a pair of big brown eyes and a set of smallish knockers.” The One-Who-Knows-Almost-All whirled around, causing Walter to bump into him. Walter stumbled, hurrying a few feet away from the intimidating supervisor.
“Oh my. Well, yes, I did get a bit infatuated with Tilly.” He cringed under the other’s scrutiny, yet barreled ahead in his attempt to cover his mistake. “But once Josh saw Cara, I couldn’t stop him.”